
Child Tax Credit


Beginning with tax year 2024, you may qualify for a Child Tax Credit of $1,750 per qualifying child, with no limit on the number of children claimed. This is a refundable credit, meaning you can receive a refund even if you do not owe tax.

If a qualifying child is over age 17, you may not claim them for the Child Tax Credit. You may be able to claim the child for the Credit for Qualifying Older Children.

The credit gradually phases out if your income is over $31,090 ($36,880 for Married Filing Jointly). For more detail, see the chart in Who Qualifies, below.

Advance Payments of the Child Tax Credit
Beginning with tax year 2024, you can choose to receive part of your Child Tax Credit for the next year in three advance payments before you file your next income tax return. For details, visit Advance Payments of the Child Tax Credit.


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