
Become a Community Grant Reviewer


The Minnesota Department of Revenue administers two grants available to eligible organizations who:

  • Coordinate, facilitate, encourage, and aid in the provision of taxpayer assistance services to Minnesotans who are low-income, elderly, and disadvantaged
  • Publicize and promote the availability of eligible Minnesota tax credits to taxpayers likely to be eligible for credits targeting low-income taxpayers, including but not limited to:
    • Child Tax Credit
    • Working Family Credit
    • K-12 Education Credit
    • Renter’s Income Tax Credit
    • Homestead Credit Refund (for Homeowners)

 We are forming two diverse teams of community grant reviewers to evaluate grant applications.

The grant review process is a valuable volunteer experience and an excellent opportunity to develop professional skills. As a community grant reviewer, you will serve your community and learn about organizations who provide much-needed taxpayer assistance services or promote the availability of eligible Minnesota tax credits.


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