W-2 Scams
Any business or organization can fall victim to W-2 scams. Scammers usually target human resources staff, payroll professionals, or anyone with access to employee information.
Scammers will email payroll or human resource professionals, claim to be an organization executive (CEO, CFO, Director, etc.), and request employee W-2 information. The email often looks legitimate. Unsuspecting employees then send the requested information, disclosing private employee information to the scammer.
Scammers can use this information to file fraudulent tax returns.
Notify employees of the scam. Have procedures in place to ensure W-2s and other personal details are not disclosed to unauthorized parties.
Any employee who gets an email asking for W-2 or employee information should stop, connect, and confirm:
- Stop for a moment before complying with the request and sending that information.
- Connect with the requestor by phone or in person. Do not respond to the email. The sender may be a criminal who disguised their identity by spoofing your colleague’s email address.
- Confirm with the requestor that their email is legitimate.
Businesses can download and print this poster to display it in human resources and payroll departments.