
Assessor Accreditation Deadline


A  law change during the 2017 legislative session extends the deadline to become licensed as an Accredited Minnesota Assessor (AMA) to the later of:

  • July 1, 2022
  • Five years from the date you were first licensed as a Certified Minnesota Assessor (CMA)

AMA License Requirement

The AMA license requirement applies to anyone who appraises or physically inspects real property to determine its market value or classification for property tax purposes.

If you appraise or inspect property for tax purposes and:

  • You were licensed as a CMA or a Certified Minnesota Assessor Specialist (CMAS) by July 1, 2017, you must get your AMA license by July 1, 2022.
  • You are licensed as a CMA after July 1, 2017, you must get your AMA license within five years of the date you were first licensed as an assessor in Minnesota.

If you are licensed as a CMA and you perform clerical or technical duties.

  • You do not have to get an AMA license for your current job.
  • If you later move into a job where you appraise or inspect property:
    • By July 1, 2022, you must get your AMA license by that date.
    • After July 1, 2022, you must get your AMA before you move into the new job – that is, while you are still in your clerical or technical job.

For more information, read the statute on the Minnesota Revisor’s website.

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