To help keep preparers informed of timely information, the Minnesota Department of Revenue will send updates to preparers and other interested parties who subscribe to the department's email subscription service.
These updates, which are issued on an “as-needed” basis, will provide both of the following:
- Urgent messages, such as notices of incorrect error codes, ways to correct identified problems, or information we encourage you to pass on to your clients.
- Updates, statistics, reminders and other information pertinent to tax preparers during the filing season.
Help prevent fraud
We encourage you to be on the lookout for fraud. We have seen an increase in the number of victims for W2 phishing scams. To raise awareness about the fraud attempts, we created a poster you may put up at your workplace, share with coworkers, or put in employee orientation books.
Need help?
Electronic filing
For help with technical problems related to electronic filing of the M1 and M1PR, such as error code reconciliation, transmission failure or registration issues, contact Electronic Information at: or call: 651-556-4818
Individual income tax or Property Tax Refund
Use Tax
Business Income Taxes (Corporation Franchise Tax, Partnership Tax, S Corporation Tax, Estate Tax, Fiduciary Tax)
Be sure to include your name, phone number and email address, if different than the return email address. Our goal is to answer all emails within three business days. If your question requires additional research that may go beyond the three-day turnaround goal, we will acknowledge your inquiry and respond as soon as possible.