Sales Tax Refunds
If you are expecting a refund or filed a refund request, but have not received a response, it may be due to a the following reasons.
Incorrect phone number or address. We may be trying to reach you but have incorrect contact information. Check your information in e-Services, and update it if needed. How to update your business information
We applied your refund to another liability. If you have a balance due on another business tax, we may apply your refund to that liability. You can check your business account balances by:
- Logging in to e-Services.
- Click the Minnesota Tax ID Number link for the Account Type you want to review.
- Click the Search tab under Periods to view Tax Due, Penalty, Interest, Credits, and Balance per period.
- Your request was delayed by an audit. If the period is currently under audit or recently audited, it may take longer to process your refund. For more information, contact the auditor you worked with.
If you are still unsure about your refund, contact us at