
Idea for a Gross Operating Revenues Tax


For Utility, Pipeline, and Railroad Operating Property


The Minnesota Department of Revenue is exploring options to remove utility, pipeline, and railroad operating property from property tax and replace it with a gross operating revenues tax.

Please see the current system information document for more information. 

Note: At this time, we are sharing ideas and seeking feedback. The department has no intention of proposing any legislation related to this concept at this time.  

Seeking Feedback on Our Idea

We have an idea and are seeking feedback from stakeholders.

If you'd like to comment:

  1. Read the document summarizing our idea
  2. Watch the video summarizing our idea
  3. Email your comments to your name, and if applicable, your employer

Public comments are voluntary and help us plan for feedback sessions and make improvements. We will review comments and may discuss or reference the comments at future public meetings. We will accept feedback on a rolling basis throughout this process. 

We aim to continue discussions with stakeholders and find a solution most stakeholders would support. We may identify that the status quo meets everyone’s needs or we could build and refine our proposed idea. We could also collectively identify other ideas.


Contact Info

Last Updated