eCRV Involvement
In 2014, eCRV replaced the paper Certificate of Real Estate Value process. The Minnesota Department of Revenue developed eCRV with the Minnesota Electronic Real Estate Recording Task Force, counties, title companies, and real estate agents. The system allows real estate professionals, auditors, treasurers, assessors, public data users, and Revenue to electronically complete, route, record, and analyze eCRVs.
Benefits of eCRV include:
- Ability for counties to alert submitters when changes are needed
- Workflows that move the eCRV from submitters to assessors, auditors, treasurers, and Revenue
- Public eCRV data in a searchable or downloadable form
- Elimination of paper retention costs for counties and the state
- More reliable and complete eCRV data for all users
In order to ensure continued success for eCRV, we have created an eCRV User Group and an eCRV Testing Advisory Panel.
The purpose of the eCRV User Group is to enhance eCRV community involvement. Members will inform priorities and provide a global perspective across the entire eCRV community in advising eCRV’s strategic direction. User Group members represent the diverse eCRV user community including the Department of Revenue, submitters, county auditors, treasurers, assessors, and external data users.
eCRV User Group Responsibilities
Members advise eCRV priorities and strategies.
User Group members:
Meet quarterly
Contribute to eCRV's strategic direction
Inform future enhancement priorities
Participate in global guidance of eCRV
Be part of a network influencing global future direction for the product
Be the voice for colleagues
Receive and review materials prior to each meeting
Communicate the User Group’s work to colleagues
Subscribe to eCRV email updates for user group openings and other eCRV notifications.
Apply to become a User Group member. If this link does not open the form in your web browser, save the PDF file to your computer. Then open the PDF file, complete the form, and email it to
All eCRV users are encouraged to send feedback about eCRV usage to their respective group members so it can be discussed and considered at a quarterly meeting. The following is a list of group members and which use type they represent:
The purpose of the Testing Advisory Panel is to enhance user involvement and communication when eCRV changes are made. Panel members test and analyze eCRV enhancements using processes and tools developed by Revenue and the panel.
Testing Advisory Panel Responsibilities
Panel members:
Are part of a network of eCRV users committed to the program’s effectiveness
Participate in shaping eCRV for the future
Receive detailed information about changes to eCRV before they happen
Access the test system as soon as it is available
Test enhancements using tools and processes developed by the panel
Share testing results with the eCRV Testing Advisory Panel
Share information about upcoming changes with colleagues
How to Volunteer
Revenue is seeking panel members from across the eCRV community. If interested in joining the eCRV Testing Advisory Panel, please email a description of your background and how you use eCRV to