
Disaster Relief


This section explains the types of property tax relief available to properties affected by a disaster or other unforeseen damage. Before discussing the specifics of disaster relief, these terms are important to understand for how the relief is calculated and what is available.



  • Assessed value
    • The pre-disaster value set for a building on January 2 of the year of the disaster.
  • Reassessed value
    • The post-disaster value set after reassessing the damaged building. This does not replace the assessed value.
  • Homestead Dwelling
    • Only the house and garage of a homestead property. Other outbuildings are not considered homestead dwellings, even if they are classified as homestead or are in the HGA.
  • Declared Disaster Area
    • The status that must be applied for and may only be granted by the Executive Council.
      • The Executive Council consists of the governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, state auditor, and secretary of state.
    • A declared disaster area is distinct from all other local emergency or disaster determinations, and cannot be declared by the county, the Department of Revenue, the governor, or any federal entity.
    • Whether or not a property is in a declared disaster area affects the type and quantity of relief that a damaged property is eligible for.
    • All relief granted in a Declared Disaster Area is reimbursed by the state.
    • For details about the application process, minimum damage requirements, and other information about declared disaster areas, see the Declared Disaster Area page.

Different Types of Relief

There are only three types of property tax disaster relief in statute. These are the local option credit, the local option abatement, and the homestead credit. This relief is available to structures that have been unintentionally or accidentally damaged, or damaged by arson or vandalism by someone other than the owner.

Disaster relief operates on a building-by-building basis, rather than per parcel. Within a single parcel, some buildings may qualify for multiple types of relief, some for just one type, and some for none at all. This flowchart can help determine what relief is available to damaged buildings.